Books are losing the battle over readers to digital media and technology, right? Well, not quite! Since we’ve started the Facebook and Instagram channels for Croatian bookstores Hoću knjigu two months ago no one could have predicted that those pages would become such a hit among Croatian fans.

We were given the total freedom from our dear client to create a social media buzz about the books the way we liked and decided upon. And so we did. Our copywriter, designer and animator discovered their inner Shakespeare and decided to work full time to produce some beautiful and informative infographics that shared the joy of reading among the Facebook fans.

Books are losing the battle over readers to digital media and technology, right? Well, not quite!

In order to do that we created a series of infographics with an illustrated “bookie” who enjoys reading the books and relaxing around them. Then we chose the best quotes from the famous writers and made them look beautiful and cool, too. And in the end we produced such thematically teasing, provocative and simply gorgeous book mock-ups which had the power to turn even the most hard-core book haters into the true book lovers and “bookies”.

Cool infographics, beautifully designed famous quotes and nicely designed book mock-ups can turn the most hard-core book haters into the book lovers

Our festive Facebook post that celebrated the 5000th fan on Hoću knjigu page was designed as a funny repetitive gif animation with Romeo and Juliet and Dorothy and Tin Man exchanging their “likes” and mutual appreciation. The video was deliriously liked by fans and shared hundreds of times on social media and private profiles.

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Campaigns Digital Animation Production and new media