We all like funny, colourful and (why not admit it?) repetitive goofy GIF animations. They are everywhere: in blogs and web banners, they are in our favourite Facebook posts… even in candy bars and soft drinks ads.
One of the great ways to use repetitive goofy GIF animations in marketing is a Facebook page or a Cover Photo feature.

One of the great ways to use repetitive GIFs in marketing is a Facebook page respecting its Cover Photo feature.
This is why we persuaded our client Hoću knjigu to include cool animated GIFs in the header of their Facebook page. With the magical tools of Illustrator and After Effects, we created animated GIFs provoking emotion with (repetitive) motion.

For our client’s summer edition of Cover Photo we drew an exotic beach with a sandy shore, wavy sea and a curious booklover surrounded by their favourite books and summer refreshments.
The other animated GIF was devoted to the May’s promotion of discounts on crime novels and thrillers. Our cooly and “hard boiled” GIF included a sharp looking female investigator, CSI yellow tape and suspenseful moving light.

We haven’t forgotten to make the soccer fans pleased with our Cover Photo animation devoted to this year’s World Cup in Russia with our mascot Bookie cooly posing as a goalkeeper interested in books more than in action in the soccer field.😊