The challenge

The Porotherm IZO Profi campaign for Wienerberger was created for a multinational audience with the aim to promote their IZO Profi brick which offers integrated insulation within the brick itself, saving the customer time, space, and money in the long run.

The solution

Our creative solution was to show how warmth comes from within. With this in mind we wanted to present the brick with its functionality and connect that with a message to show its benefits. Considering that the Porotherm IZO Profi brick essentially functions like the buildings its used to create. We took the brick and integrated it with a warm home setting. Presenting both the bricks benefit of maintaining warmth through its insulation and providing families with a place where warm family moments and memories are made, their homes.

As the main visual was created it was our task to create a full campaign that included print visuals, web banners, billboards, radio commercial and promo pre-roll YouTube video… We provided our client with headlines, copies, body copies and every other aspect that made this story strong and whole.

The results

As the campaign was rolling to its end we’ve received raw impressions and feed back from the client, and they were more than satisfied with this entire venture. Nevertheless, it’s the real, hard imprinted results that interested us, and they gave us the true perspective about the impact of the campaign. In short, the results have surpassed all the Croatian and regional averages by a great margin.

In total and with very limited budget, Porotherm IZO Profi ads were viewed more than 8.200.000 times and the campaign activities brought more than 30.000 unique visitors on the Clients website.

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Campaigns Digital Animation Production and new media